As Christians we all are called to a higher standard of living than when we walked in our fleshly desires. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (NIV)

Whether we are young or old, the battle rages on in our flesh to remain pure and holy while we are dating. We MUST honor God with our bodies and we also want to honor those we are dating.

The good news is that we have help through the Holy Spirit who guides us and we know that Jesus has overcome the world! We don't have to face the battle alone.

Dating advice and website reviews are available on

Think You Can't Find A Christian Woman?

I’m reminded of a secular song I heard long time ago that says, “Why are all the good girls taken every time, every time I say hallo, they say goodbye.”

Men who have been hurt or who have used woman inappropriately will find it hard to believe decent woman exist. Others might have seen bad examples from their mothers, sisters and friends and decided that women are not worth it.

I have some good news for you: All the good ladies are not taken. In every generation, God always has a remnant of people who have not defiled themselves. There are many good girls out there but not just any man will have them.

How To Find A Good Lady:

# 1: Be A Good Man
A good lady deserves a good man. And it takes a good man to get a good woman. What are you doing to become a better man? Can you communicate well? Can you lead, love and learn her? Do you have those qualities that you seek in a good woman? Are you well groomed? Are you ready to serve her?

When you do your best to become a good man, not a perfect man, you are most likely to know a good woman when you meet one.

# 2: Know The Qualities Of The Good Lady You Desire
Do you have a picture in your mind of the kind of woman you desire? What are those qualities you seek – God-fearing, respectful, jolly, loving? Though physical beauty is important to us as men, let it never come at the expense of the inner beauty.

Write those qualities down. And don’t make the mistake of searching for a perfect woman, you will never find one. We are all saints in the making.

# 3: Ask And Trust God For The Good Lady
No one in the world would love you to get a good woman than God. If you are his child, then you can boldly present to him the qualities of the kind of woman you desire in your life. God takes pleasure in giving good gifts to those who ask him.[1]

“Trust in the Lord and do good. Take delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart’s desire. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him and he will help you.”[2]

# 4: Wait For Your Good Lady
At this point, it’s time to wait. This is the place where most men give up and choose to fight for themselves instead of waiting on God. Don’t settle for less. Keep your hands empty to receive the good God has prepared for you.

Determine to wait for your good woman. When she comes, she will make you forget all the days you waited for her. God makes everything beautiful in its time.

“For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait on him.”[3]

And when you find her, God will be waiting on you to act.
There is a good woman out there for you, will she find you ready when she comes!

Scripture Reference
[1]Matt 7:11 [2]Psalm 37:3-5 [3]Isaiah 64:4